Manufacturer and distributor of POLISH REGIONAL COSTUMES for the home market and for export

polski English
Strój Krakowski

Photo Catalogue of Costumes

In this catalogue we present photographs of those regional costumes that have been produced so far by Perfekt. Below is a list of the most popular regions whose costumes we produce. Numbers in brackets show the number of pictures in each gallery. Clicking on the small map will lead you to the detailed map of Poland, where you will be able to locate the region of your interest.

Please bear in mind that this catalogue is continuously being enlarged, so not all of our costumes have appeared here yet.

Kraków costumes
West Kraków:
1. Bronowice [57] KRB
2. Tyniec [7] KRT
3. Ojców [5] KRO
4. Grojec - Alwernia [44] KRA
5. West Kraków - other regions [11] KRZ
East Kraków:
6. Brzesko [16] KRS
7. Zalipie [14] KRL
8. East Kraków - other regions [35] KRW
Kraków - common elements:
9. Common elements [57] KRE
10. Sukiennickie costumes [12] KRU
11. Various vests [28] KRG
Highlanders' Costumes
12. Podhale [51] PDH
13. Beskid Żywiecki [9] BZY
14. Beskid Śląski [9] BSL
15. Nowy Sącz [42] NSA
16. Bojkowie (Bieszczady) [16] BOJ
17. Orawa [8] ORA
18. Jurgów [9] JUR
19. Kacwin [8] KAC
20. Pieniny [9] PIE
Costumes from Slask
21. Rozbark [18] ROZ
22. Pszczyna [12] PSZ
23. Olesno [2] OLE
24. Dolny Śląsk [13] DSL
25. Cieszyn [22] CIE
26. Opole [13] OPL
Other regions of Poland
27. Częstochowa [8] CZE
28. Gąbin and Sanniki [5] GSA
29. Kielce & Góry Świętokrzyskie [11] SWI
30. Kujawy [12] KUJ
31. Lublin (Krzczonów) [28] LUB
32. Łańcut [2] LAN
33. Łowicz [36] LOW
34. Kaszuby [52] KAS
35. Kurpie Białe (Puszcza Biała) [2] KUB
36. Kurpie Zielone (Puszcza Zielona) [8] KUZ
37. Opoczno [29] OPC
38. Piotrków Trybunalski [8] PTR
39. Pogórze (surroundings of Krosno) [15] POG
40. Rzeszów [54] RZE
41. Podlasie [3] PDL
42. Tarnobrzeg [2] TAR
43. Warmia [5] WAR
44. Noblemen's costumes [16] SZL
45. Stylized costumes from 15th-16th century [10] EPO
46. Costume elements [3] ELE
47. Bulgaria [5] BUL
48. Ukraine [12] UKR
49. Stylized costumes [7] STY
50. Military garments from 19th century [6] WOJ
Face guards
51. Cotton masks [5] MAS